
current position:

Home - Investigator - Professor
  • HE Haiyan

    Total biosynthesis of synthetic drugs and biocatalysis

  • HE Weiqing

    Microbial medicine optimized by synthetic biology

  • HONG Bin

    Synthetic biology, Drug discovery and development

  • JIANG Jiandong

    Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering 中国工程院院士,中国医学科学院药物研究院院长,中国医学科学院医药生物技术研究所病毒室主任,研究员,长...

  • KONG Weijia

    Molecular medicine and drug research

  • LI Congran

    Pharmacodynamic study of antibacterial agents and mechanisms of bacterial resistance

  • LI Guiling

    Preparation of new drugs and innovative drug delivery systems

  • LI Ke

    Targeting normal protein degradation system to eradicate tumor-initiating cells (also cancer stem ce...

  • LI Liang

    Cancer individualized target therapy & translational medical research

  • LI Xiaoyu

    Anti-viral drug research, Endogenous retrovirus (retrotransposon) research