





赵午莉 肿瘤室 研究员 硕士生导师





1.  Wang X, Wang M, Cai M, Zhao W. Miriplatin-loaded liposome, as a novel mitophagy inducer, suppresses pancreatic cancer proliferation through blocking POLG and TFAM-mediated mtDNA replication[J]. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2023. (14.9 /一区)。

2.  Liu S, Zhang T, Li S, Zhao W. Biomimetic Nanobomb for Synergistic Therapy with Inhibition of Cancer Stem Cells[J]. Small, 2023, 19(12): 2206503.(13.3 /一区)

3.Wang JX, Chen MH, Wang MY, Zhao WX, Zhao WL, Si SY, Shao RG. The novel ER stress inducer Sec C triggers apoptosis by sulfating ER cysteine residues and degrading YAP via ER stress in pancreatic cancer cells. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2022 Jan;12(1):210-227.  (IF: 14.9/一区).

4. Wang M, Wang X, Zhao W, et al. Enhanced binding of β-catenin and β-TrCP mediates LMPt’s anti-CSCs activity in colorectal cancer[J]. Biochemical Pharmacology, 2023, 212: 115577. (5.8 /二区)

5. Zhang T, Zhou H, Wang K, Wang X, Wang M, Zhao W, Xi X, Li Y, Cai M, Zhao W, Xu Y, ShaoR. Role, molecular mechanism and the potential target of breast cancer stem cells in breast cancer development. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 ,147:112616.( 7.419/一区)。

6.ZhaoWX, Wang MY, Zhao WX, Zhao WL, Shao RG et al., Transcriptional co-activators YAP/TAZ: potential therapeutic targets for metastatic breast cancer. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2021. 133: p. 110956. ( 7.419/一区)

7.Zhao WL, Xing Y, Ye C, Qiu YH, Li Y, Liu XJ, et al. The novel quinolizidine derivate IMB-HDC inhibits STAT5a phosphorylation at 694 and 780 and promotes DNA breakage and cell apoptosis via blocking STAT5a nuclear translocation. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2020; 41: 686-97. (6.530/一区)

8.Zhao WL, Liu H, Wang J, Wang M, Shao R. Cyclizing-berberine A35 induces G2/M arrest and apoptosis by activating YAP phosphorylation (Ser127). J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2018; 37: 98. (7.068/一区)

9 Wang, X, Zhao WL, Shao RG., et al., Endocytosis and Organelle Targeting of Nanomedicines in Cancer Therapy. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2020. 15: p. 9447. (6.404/二区).

10 Zhao WL, He H, Ren K, Li B, Zhang H, Lin Y, et al. MR-1 blocks the megakaryocytic differentiation and transition of CML from chronic phase to blast crisis through MEK dephosphorylation. Blood Cancer J 2013; 3: e107. (8.023/一区)


(1) 赵午莉; 邵荣光; 夏桂民; 王梦燕; 王晓葳 ; 米铂脂质体在抗耐药性肿瘤的应用, 2021-06-17, 中国, 202110669783.2    

(2) 司书毅; 赵午莉; 陈明华; 常珊珊; 张聪惠 ; 多硫代二酮哌嗪类化合物Secoemestrin C的准备,2019-11-23, 中国, 201911160563.6

(3) 蒋建东; 宋丹青; 李洋彪; 李迎红; 赵午莉 ; 环化的小檗碱衍生物及其制备方法和用途, 2012-04- 09, 中国, ZL 2012 1 0101607.X  

(4) 山广志 周霞 刘伊彤 赵午莉 赵聪 左利民 朱志玲 李怡然 赵学佳 赵婷 赵圣楠 姜艺菲 连晓芳 孟,N-羟基脒衍生物及制备方法和应用、肿瘤免疫治疗药物。专利号ZL 2023 1 0712338.


荣誉奖励:1.获得第十一届中国药学会科学技术奖二等奖,基于三环苦参骨架生物碱类衍生物的生物活性与化学基础(2016);2.获得“药学学报第七届优秀研究论文奖” (2013)

学术任职Journl of  Clinical Translation Heptology杂志青年编委,Animal Models and Experimental Medicine杂志青年编委。主持Frontiers in Pharmacology专刊“Recent Advances and Molecular Targets-Driven Translation Research of Lung and Colorectal Cancer ”老年病委员会委员,中国健康管理协会下筹备食用植物营养与健康委员。

